Monday, November 24, 2008

"REAL" Patient day....

Can I just say today was great! I woke up and was so nervous. I thought I was really going to throw up! But little did I know it was going to be so good. My patient was amazing. X-rays went well, which I was scared for! I only missed 1 deposit, so excited about that. Overall great day...I can't believe that the semester is almost over and how much I have learned. It's an awesome feeling. Hope everyones day went great!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


We had our last pe today. It feels amazing that it is all over...ALMOST! I can't believe that it is time to see our "real" patient. Hopefully it goes good. Good Luck Everyone:)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Busy day!!!

Clinic was so busy today. We had 3 pe's to pass off. It was a lot. I am so glad that they are done. I am starting to see a lights the end of the tunnel! I can't believe that our 1st smester is almost over. I went so fast. I am so ready for that christmas break! Only one more pe to pass off in clinic woohoo!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Worst day EVER!!!

Okay maybe it wasn't the worst but it sure wasn't fun. We learned how to use the air-powder polisher. First off it had the worst taste. It tasted like minty sick. Second it was a mess. It ended up everywhere. And last it hurt like crazy:) I seriously do not see myself using it on my patients any time soon unless they have major stains. NOT a fan. Then we learned how to place sealants. I have done it a couple of time before so it wasn't to hard, definitely not perfect at it...yet. I am sure I will get lots of practice:)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What a Relaxing Day!!!

Today was amazing:) I got to sit back in the chair and be the patient! I loved it, it was so nice to not have to worry about anything today. Natalie did a great job. I can't believe that we will be seeing "real patients" real soon. This makes me was nervous. I don't think I am ready...but I guess I probably will never be...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Mock Patient Day

So we had a mock treatment day. We worked on pt that we have not seen yet. It was nice to actually do everything today and not have to rush to make sure there was enough time to switch partners. Thanks Natalie for being a great patient:) I got to pass of 2 pe's today which was great. Overall it was a really good day...I am looking forward to being the patient on Wednesday!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Finally the weekend!!

This past week has felt SO LONG. I was definitely look forward to the weekend...and it is HERE. I am so glad that I took the radiology test yesterday. It went really good. Hope everyone has a great weekend...see you Monday:)